Palliative Home Care

Palliative Home Care

  • At ParkCity Medical Centre, we understand the profound impact that living with a serious illness can have on both individuals and their families. That's why we're dedicated to providing compassionate and comprehensive Palliative Home Care Services, bringing expert care and unwavering support to the comfort of your own home. Our Palliative Home Care team, comprised of skilled doctors and nurses, is here to walk alongside you on your unique journey. We offer a holistic approach to care, addressing not only your medical needs but also your emotional and spiritual well-being.
  • Key Features of ParkCity Medical Centre 's Palliative Home Care Services:
    • Compassionate Expertise: Our experienced medical professionals specialize in palliative care, ensuring that you receive the highest level of expertise and care.
    • Pain Management: We understand the physical challenges that often accompany life-limiting illnesses. Our team is dedicated to managing your pain effectively, enhancing your comfort, and improving your quality of life.
    • Holistic Support: Palliative care goes beyond medical treatment. We focus on addressing your emotional and spiritual needs, providing a supportive and nurturing environment for you and your family.
    • Quality of Life: Our goal is to maximize your quality of life, helping you live each day to the fullest and find moments of joy, comfort, and connection.
    • Individualized Care: We work closely with you and your loved ones to develop a personalized care plan that aligns with your unique values, preferences, and goals.
    • Empowering Choices: We provide information and guidance to help you make informed decisions about your care, ensuring that your choices are respected and honored.
    • Family-Centered Care: We understand that life-limiting illnesses impact not only the patient but also their loved ones. Our care extends to providing support and education for family members, helping them navigate this challenging journey.

Examples of palliative health care services include:

  • Medical care which includes history taking, examination, investigations and management
  • Pain and symptom control
  • Rapid hospital discharge
  • Prescription and administration of medications
  • Subcutaneous injections
  • Monitoring of blood pressure, temperature, heart rate and breathing
  • Patient and caregiver education & support
  • Care coordination and communication
  • Wound care for pressure sores or surgical wounds
  • Catheter care
  • Feeding tube management Stoma care
  • Tracheostomy care
  • Bereavement care

Our Palliative Home Care Services aim to provide a supportive, dignified, and compassionate environment where you can find comfort and solace in your own surroundings. We believe that every moment is precious, and our team is here to make those moments as meaningful as possible. Contact us today to learn more about how our Palliative Home Care Services can help you live better and enhance your overall quality of life during this challenging time.

Talk to us to understand more at:

  • +603-6279 3131 / 3232 (On-call hours: 9am - 5pm, Mon to Fri )